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Raphael Morris, MD


PsyCare, Inc.



Raphael Morris, MD is board certified in general and forensic psychiatry. He has extensive experience in assessing and treating adults and adolescents in both psychotherapy and with medications. Following forensic psychiatry fellowship training, he opened a clinical and forensic private practice and is particularly adept at assessing psychiatric disabilities, and managing the treatment needs of clients when there has been some involvement with the legal system, e.g. divorce, custody disputes, juvenile delinquency, prior criminal history, drug history, or other high risk behaviors. For three years he was the Director of Forensic Services at Bellevue Hospital in New York City, where in addition to organizing the prison wards, he supervised forensic psychiatrist and trainees in the treatment of inmates with acute mood and psychotic disorders.

Dr. Morris has been a speaker at Grand Rounds for the state hospital system and has lectured to the courts on variety of topics. For the past 4 years he has been a guest lecturer at analytic institutes regarding psychopharmacology and psychotherapy focusing on how to effectively refer clients for medication evaluations. In addition, Dr.Morris has extensive experience working with clients with medical conditions, appreciating how those conditions can affect psychiatric treatment while being able to screen for potential drug interactions.


American Board of Psychiatry


Primary Address:

12264 El Camino Real, Suite 203
San Diego, CA  92130

Phone Number: (858) 279-1223
Fax Number: (858) 467-7161
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Please contact the office for a complete list of contracted health plans.


Medical School
Sackler School of Medicine
Year of Graduation: 1996

Beth Israel Medical Center
Year of Graduation: 2000

Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Year of Graduation: 2001