Health Excel
Like many Independent Physician Associations, Health Excel strives to provide the highest quality of healthcare at the lowest possible costs to our members. What makes Health Excel unique is our dedication to our patients, and our process of providing individualized care through a relationship with your physician. Through knowledge and prevention, patients are able to better monitor their personal healthcare process.
Health Excel is structured as an organization of organizations — a for-profit administrative entity designed to bring autonomous independent physician groups together in a common alliance. Each aligned IPA will still function independently while also being able to participate in a collaborative environment with fellow physicians.
The focus of the Health Excel alliance is to give independent physicians the ability to share best clinical practices with other physicians and create a more collaborative environment than what currently exists. The alliance will also seek to provide lower malpractice rates, reduced costs for physician health insurance, and technology to allow sharing of data between disparate EHR vendors.
For any questions regarding Health Excel, please call 858-452-1279.