Dr. Jessica Gomez is a San Diego native. She graduated from UC San Diego and received a Bachelor of Science degree in Biochemistry and Cell Biology and earned Provost Honors. She received her Medical Degree at UCLA School of Medicine where she also performed basic science research on models for gene therapies in conditions such…
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Emma McDonnell, MD
Emma McDonnell, M.D., is a board certified Oculoplastic and Reconstructive Surgeon. She specializes in adult and pediatric reconstructive and cosmetic eyelid surgery (i.e. Blepharoplasty), brow and forehead lifts, facial and orbital surgery. Dr. McDonnell is trained to diagnose and manage diseases of the eye socket and the lacrimal drainage system, and thyroid eye diseases, and…
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Martin Rajsbaum, MD
Martin Rajsbaum, M.D., is an ophthalmologist who is highly experienced in glaucoma, pterygium, cornea, cataract, lens implant surgery and comprehensive ophthalmology.He is immensely skilled and adept in a variety of surgical procedures, including pterygium removal and complex cataract surgeries.
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Majid Mani, MD
Majid Mani, M.D. is an Ophthalmic Surgeon with an emphasis in caring for patients with diabetes, macular degeneration, retinal detachment, and glaucoma. He is known for his treatment of diabetic retinopathy. Dr. Mani has received numerous awards from the American Diabetes Association, recognizing his work. He is the first ophthalmologist to receive the Doctor of…
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Ayham Skaf, MD
Vision is the greatest gift we have, we must cherish it, protect it, and fight for it.
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